Digging Out: The Guide to Energy Efficiency After a Brutal Winter


Diggin-OutIt’s fair to say that the winter of 2015 has been particularly rough. It has been egregiously cold and snowy. Children have missed school. States have declared emergencies, and the bread aisle in the grocery store has never looked more threadbare. This winter hasn’t just been trying for us mere mortals; it’s also been tough for your home. If you followed our advice on preventing costly ice dams, your home is likely in better shape coming out of this winter than most, but you’re not in the clear just yet.

Now that we’re slowly approaching the time to “dig out” after this long winter, it’s important to stay vigilant about your home’s energy efficiency. The deep freeze can cause your home’s walls, windows, and doors to contract, causing cracks, gaps, and air leaks. Following these tips will help you ensure that your home has held up well over the winter.

1. Perform a Self-Guided Check of Your Home

Be sure to thoroughly inspect each room of your home for any cracks or gaps, paying special attention to the windows, ceilings, and walls. Cracks or gaps in your home could indicate an air leak. During your inspection, be sure to note any coolness or drafts, which may indicate air leaks in your home. Aside from the discomfort of having a drafty home, air leaks can lead to costly energy inefficiency.

2. Check for Water & Mold

The snow has really been piling on roofs this year. Between the sheer weight and wetness of all of the snow, roofs have been working overtime to keep homes warm and dry. Since this winter has been particularly tough, many people have experienced water trickling into their homes, especially from skylights. Before April showers bring May flowers, take note of these water entry points. Remember that whenever water seeps into your home, it has the potential to create mold. A musty smell in your house may be another indication of mold.

3. Get Your Home Inspected By a Professional

Now that you have a good idea of where some air leaks, cracks, and water entry points may exist, you’re in a perfect position to alert a professional to your problem areas. Especially after this austere winter, having a Wattson Home Solutions Advisor perform a complimentary home energy assessment is a no-brainer. Aside from addressing and rectifying any areas of concern that you have noted yourself, our Wattson Home Solutions professionals will perform infrared testing, heating equipment testing, duct testing, and blower door testing to ensure that your home has survived the winter intact and that your home is using energy efficiently.