ductless ac

How Ductless AC Can Save You Money This Summer


ductless ac

Summer in New England is great. It’s finally time to come out of winter hibernation in our warm homes and enjoy the sun. It’s filled with vacation time, beach trips, and ice cream. But all this summer fun can come to a screeching halt when you see the impact your air conditioner has on your energy bills. You don’t want your house to feel like a sauna, but you shouldn’t have to pay such a high price for comfort! Luckily for Massachusetts homeowners, there is a solution: ductless AC. Here’s why a ductless mini-split system is what you’ve been looking for.

Ductless AC: The Unsung Hero of Summer

Installation is a (cool) breeze. You can install a ductless system yourself without a technician. It can be mounted on the wall, installed in a drop ceiling, or suspended from the ceiling. It fits in any room and doesn’t involve expensive and lengthy renovations. And quick installation means you’ll have a more comfortable, energy-efficient home in a snap!

A ductless AC system is compact and doesn’t require any ductwork. Many homes in Massachusetts date back hundreds of years. These historic homes are beautiful and charming, but they can be hard to maintain. Air conditioning systems that require ductwork can mean expensive renovations which damage the old parts of the home that really make it special. A ductless mini-split system gives you control of your cooling without adding ducts. After all, just because your home was built in the 1800s doesn’t mean you have to live in the 1800s!

ductless mini splits

With a ductless AC you don’t have to worry about heating and cooling rooms you don’t use. Heating and cooling your home is expensive, but it gets more expensive when you’re paying to heat or cool rooms that no one is using. Ductless units are installed wherever you want them and they are easy to control, meaning you are in charge of your energy use. And you can rest assured that Wattson Home Solutions is an expert in heating and cooling; we can help you to replace your system and cut your energy costs.

There’s an app for that. Our lives rely heavily on automation and technology, so why not incorporate them into your home energy use? Look for a fully automated ductless AC model that will allow you to customize the heating and cooling of individual rooms from your smart phone. You can program the system with a schedule, check the current temperature of your home when you’re away, and turn the system off when no one is home. It’s a fully customized way to keep your home comfortable and save energy in the process.

You can offset the cost of ductless AC with a 0% Mass Save Heat loan. If you’re avoiding an AC upgrade because of the cost, we have good news. Mass Save is helping homeowners with the 0% HEAT loan. You could qualify for a 0% interest loan of up to $25,000 to help cover the cost of making energy efficient upgrades. Wattson Home Solutions can help you apply for the loan so that you can start saving energy as quickly as possible.

Don’t let high energy costs ruin your summer. Invest in a cooling system that is easy to install and energy efficient. Wattson Home Solutions can help with the whole process, so you’ll spend less time worrying about energy costs and more time worrying about the important stuff, like barbecues and baseball games. And at the end of the day, you’ll always come back to a perfectly cooled home.