Heating and Cooling Rebates for Municipal Homeowners


Fall is in full swing! This means the start of cool mornings, apple picking, pumpkin carving, and spooky hay bail rides with friends and family. The season always starts the same: with nice brisk mornings that slowly heat up into the 60s making for great sweater weather. But we all know this doesn’t last long. It will only be a few weeks before the first frost, with nights dropping to the low 40s and even 30s. It’s about this time that we begrudgingly walk over to the thermostat for the first time and turn on the heat. We can layer up all we want, but at some point, we don’t have a choice. Its cold and the last thing we want are frozen pipes! Meanwhile, we know our electric and oil bills are about to start climbing. So the real question is, what can you do about it?

That’s where we can help! The Massachusetts Department of Energy Resources funds a Home MVP Program that aims to help residents reduce their energy consumption. The program offers heating and cooling rebates to people who upgrade their homes to be more efficient. The program is great for residents who want to reduce their carbon footprint while saving money on their energy bills.

How Does It Work?

The way the program works is that you first have to schedule a home energy assessment. Don’t panic! It’s extremely easy and, best of all, no cost. One of our energy experts will come to your home and spend about an hour or two inspecting it for areas of energy inefficiencies. From testing for drafts to checking your heating system, we make sure to cover every area of potential energy loss. This inspection allows us to create a customized scorecard for you with ways that you can improve your energy efficiency. We’ll explain the items on this scorecard to you so you can fully understand how your home’s energy use can be improved. After that, we’ll go over the next steps you can take from here. The best part is, the higher your estimated energy savings, the greater the incentives will be. These next steps are created with the help of our energy experts that will explain which projects would save you the most money.

Since we are qualified contractors, we can do all the work for you! Most importantly, we will help you with the paperwork to make sure you get every rebate possible as well as 0% interest financing.

Do You Qualify?

The program is a great way to help you save money while reducing your carbon footprint. This isn’t a very exclusive program either. It is available to all residents of 1-4 unit homes in Massachusetts, even if you live in a municipality. The only thing to keep in mind is that if you’re a renter, you are going to have to get approval from your landlord before we can get to work.

Heating and Cooling Rebates

The entire goal of the program is to cut your energy usage by making your home more efficient. The incentives will vary based on your home energy assessment. Essentially, the greater the potential energy saving, the greater the incentives. These heating and cooling rebates will then be applied to making the following upgrades:

These are just some of the upgrades that the program will help to cover. You can even apply for an interest-free loan to help offset the cost of these projects. This is especially helpful if you have been thinking about upgrading your home to a solar powered system.

Additional Saving Programs

The Mass MVP program is also only one of many programs that can get you heating and cooling rebates. If you qualify for Home MVP, you may also qualify for increased savings through Mass Save. If you live in a 1-4 unit building and are a customer of Eversource, National Grid, Columbia Gas, and/or Unitil electric or natural gas you could add even more savings. This program offers additional heating and cooling rebates including:

  • 75% instant rebate for approved insulation or insulation measures
  • Energy-efficient equipment rebates towards eligible heating and hot water heating appliances
  • 0% HEAT loan up to 7-year term. Up to $25,000 maximum loan

How We Help

While the process may sound a little confusing, we are here to help you every step of the way. Making your house as efficient as possible and getting you all the possible heating and cooling rebates is our specialty. We will personally help you fill out the necessary paperwork to qualify. And as one of the few certified Home MVP contractors in Massachusetts, we will be the ones who actually perform the upgrades.

Get Your Energy Assessment Today

The first step to saving is getting your no-cost home energy assessment. From there, you can start saving! Don’t miss out on this opportunity to save thousands on your upcoming energy bills. Schedule your home energy assessment today!

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