How To Keep House Cool in Summer

How To Keep House Cool in Summer


Summer is in full swing, and that means the temperatures are rising. Whether you enjoy the heat or find it unbearable, most people look for ways to keep their house cool during the summer. Let’s discuss some natural ways to keep your house cool in summer. Keep reading for some great cooling tips!

What is the Best Way to Keep the House Cool in Hot Weather?

As anyone who has ever suffered through a long, hot summer knows, consistently keeping a house cool through the summer months can be challenging. The key is ensuring your home is as energy-efficient as possible.

Start by ensuring that your insulation is up to date and properly sealed. Leaky doors and windows can let in hot air, so check them for cracks or gaps. If you have old windows, consider replacing them with energy-efficient windows. You might also want to consider installing a ductless mini-split system. Mini-split units are highly efficient and can save you money on your energy bills.

How Do I Keep My House Cool Without AC?

Believe it or not, not all homes come with air conditioners. If you’ve recently purchased a home without an air conditioner, or if you’re looking to ditch yours completely, there are some steps you can take to keep your home cool and avoid that stuffy, hot feeling that comes when you don’t have cool air moving.

Here are a few ways to cool down your house and keep air movement throughout the rooms:

  • Use a dehumidifier to help remove the muggy air that can make a house feel hotter than it actually is.
  • Close doors to rooms that are not being used so that you can focus the cooler air on areas where you spend most of your time.
  • If you have an upper floor, remember that heat rises. So turn on a ceiling fan (make sure it’s rotating counter clockwise) or attic fan in those upper-level rooms to promote air flow.
  • Install blackout or cooling curtains, which reflect sunlight and help to keep rooms cooler. You can also keep the windows open to let in some fresh air at night when it is cooler outside. Use fans strategically to create a cool breeze throughout the house. 
  • Switch out your conventional incandescent light bulbs to low-energy light bulbs. Incandescent bulbs can radiate heat and make your rooms warmer.

Check out these other tips to keep your house cool without using your air conditioner.

How Can I Keep My House Cool Naturally?

One of the easiest and most effective ways to keep your house cool is to shade your windows to protect them from the sun’s heat. Heavy blackout curtains can help block out direct sunlight, preventing your home from heating up. Keep your blinds closed during the hottest parts of the day to prevent warm air from coming in.

Another way to keep your home cool is to use fans strategically. Ceiling fans can help circulate air and create a cooling effect. Similarly, floor fans can be directed towards areas that tend to be warmer, such as near the stove or next to a sunny window.

Try turning on bathroom exhaust fans to get rid of hot air after a hot shower or after using a hair dryer. You can also take a cold shower in the summertime. Not only will the cold water bring your body temperature down, but you’ll also keep unwanted heat out of the bathroom. (Pro tip: a hair dryer usually blows hot air, but some have a cool air setting. You’ll still get your hair dry, and get some nice cool air in the meantime!)

Finally, make sure to keep your house well-ventilated. Open windows and doors in the evenings to help circulate air and prevent your home from becoming stifling hot.

How to Keep a Room Cool That Faces the Sun

While it’s more difficult to keep a room cool that faces the sun, there are a few things you can do to help. One is to keep the blinds or curtains drawn while the sun is up to help to block out some of the sun’s rays and prevent the room from getting too hot. Make sure to get good quality blackout curtains for south and west-facing windows, and keep the lights off when you aren’t using the space.

If your kitchen faces the sun, try to avoid using the oven during daylight hours. The oven can heat up a kitchen considerably, especially if you are cooking something for a long period of time. Plan your meals strategically and choose to use the grill or have some cold salads on those hottest days.

For smaller rooms, you can try using a portable air conditioner while the room is in use. Keep in mind, though, that this won’t work as well in larger rooms.

Should You Keep the House Cooled All Day Long?

The answer to this question will differ for each homeowner. Some people prefer to keep their air conditioning running all day long, while others only turn it on when at home and actively use the space.

There are pros and cons to both approaches. On the one hand, leaving the air conditioner on all day can help ensure that your house stays cool and comfortable. You’ll come home to a house that is already cooled to your preference. However, this can also lead to higher energy bills. If you do decide to keep your air conditioner on all the time, be sure to change the ac filters regularly to maintain healthy air quality and get the most out of your system.

If you only turn on the air conditioner when you’re home, you can save money on your energy costs. But you may find that your house is too warm for your comfort when you first arrive, and it will take time to cool down.

A good compromise is to use a programmable thermostat to set a “home” temperature and an “away” temperature. You can program the thermostat to be a few degrees higher while you’re gone, and lower it before you come home for the day. Ultimately, you must make the choice on what approach works best for your needs and budget during these hot summer months.

Stay Cool This Summer & Contact the Cool Air Experts

Wattson Home Solutions is the expert in home energy, and we can help you find the best way to keep your entire house comfortable all year. We offer energy assessments to help identify areas where your home is losing energy and suggest solutions to improve efficiency. We can also answer any questions about insulation, HVAC systems, and more. Contact our office today to schedule an assessment and start saving money on your energy bills.