mass save energy rebates

Save Money This Winter With Mass Save Energy Rebates


Are you ready to start saving energy, money, and the environment this winter? Let’s face it: keeping a home warm through the winter is not an easy task. If your solution is simply to blast the heat for three months straight, you’re going to waste a lot of energy – and wasted energy means higher bills. So how can you make sure your home is comfortable without the waste? Take advantage of Mass Save energy rebates!

Did you know that Mass Save offers a rebate for programmable thermostats? These thermostats are state of the art and can be programmed from your phone. They’re a bargain too: Mass Save offers them at a discount and installation is free!

How to Get Thermostat Rebates

Rebates are great, but how do you get them? There are three ways to apply for the Mass Save programmable thermostat rebate.

  • Mail it in – If you’ve already bought your programmable thermostat, print out Mass Save’s residential rebate form, fill it out, and mail it in. Be sure to fill out every part of the form and include all necessary documentation!
  • Apply for the rebate online – Don’t want to spend the postage to mail the form? You can submit your online thermostat rebate application on Mass Save’s website. Just enter the information about your thermostat and submit – you can even use their web tool to check the status of a rebate application once you’ve submitted it.
  • Get your no-cost home energy assessment – Are you looking to make the switch to energy efficiency, but aren’t sure where to begin? When you get a no-cost home energy assessment, your energy technician can help you diagnose your energy needs and come up with a plan to address them. They know the ins and outs of Mass Save rebates and will help you to do the paperwork. They can even install the thermostat – at no cost!

Other Mass Save Energy Rebates

Using your thermostat wisely isn’t the only way to save energy, so it isn’t the only rebate that Mass Save offers. If you’re looking to save energy in your home, consider some of the other rebates they offer, including:

  • Heating and Hot Water Heating Appliances – If your heating equipment isn’t pulling its weight, it may be time to replace it. This is a big process and can seem scary, but there are some big heating rebates available to help cover the cost so you won’t be left out in the cold.
  • Insulation – Is your home consistently freezing in the winter? The problem might be your insulation. This year, prepare for winter early by replacing outdated or faulty insulation in the fall. The 75% Instant Insulation Rebate provides a 75% rebate on insulation costs up to $2,000! But hurry, it won’t be around forever. Many energy companies are only providing these incentives until the end of 2020!
  • Lighting and Appliances – Do you have energy efficient devices in your home? Many devices drain energy, even when they are not turned on! This wasted energy can have a big impact on your energy bills. It’s time to make the switch; Mass Save has discounts and rebates available for many energy efficient devices, from the big (refrigerators, washers, dryers, etc.) to the small (lighting, power strips, etc.).
  • 0% HEAT loan – Do you need to make some big upgrades? The 0% HEAT Loan will cover the costs of certain changes, such as replacing your heating system or water heater. This 0% interest loan can cover up to $25,000 worth of work with terms up to 7 years!
  • More, More, More! These are some of our favorite rebates, but you can apply for many more! Take a look at Mass Save’s list of residential rebates and incentives to see how you can help cover the cost of energy efficient upgrades to your home.

Call For Backup

There are a lot of ways to upgrade your home – and there are a lot of rebates out there to help cover the cost. How can you be sure you’re getting the most out of your home upgrades and spending the least amount of money to do it? Get a home energy assessment.

When you schedule an energy assessment, your energy technician will help you to decide which energy efficient upgrades are best for your home. You’ll get that thermostat quickly and painlessly. When it comes to rebates, your energy advisor will explain in detail which ones you qualify for and help you to fill out the necessary paperwork. You’ll waste less energy, save more money on your monthly bills, and spend less to get it all done.

Winter Home Energy Saving Tips