Spring Into Energy Savings – Why Now’s The Time To Button Up Your Home



When spring arrives, homeowners often take a break from thinking about energy efficiency and the costs of heating and cooling their homes. Before you pack up your heavy boots and sweaters and put this winter behind you, schedule your No-Cost Home Energy Assessment. Not only will it help you save on next year’s heating bills but it will also help you save bundles this summer on your cooling costs. Spring is the perfect time to determine if your house is in need of energy efficiency improvements because you can see signs all around your house left from the cold winter weather.

Signs You Need an Energy Audit

One sure sign that your home is not as energy efficient as it could be is soaring energy bills. As the cold weather comes to a close, you might be satisfied with the relief that comes with running the furnace less often. But, before you get too comfortable, remember that you’ll be back in the same boat when it’s time to run the air conditioner this summer.

Another sign that your home isn’t insulated well enough is the formation of ice dams around the perimeter of your roof. These form when warm air from the home escapes into the attic creating warm spots on the roof which then melt the snow above. This melted snow trickles down the roof until it reaches a cold spot – usually the eaves and gutters – where it will freeze again forming a dam and dangerous icicles. Without the ability to run off, melted snow will back up under the shingles causing damage to your home.

Warm spring and summer weather means that the dangers of ice dams have passed, but the conditions that cause them are still present. This means that the energy you’re using to cool your home is wasted as cool air escapes through poorly insulated attics, and through other gaps and cracks throughout the home. An energy audit will help you find these weak points so you can get your home sealed up tightly.

What Makes Spring Ideal for an Energy Audit?

1. A break in the weather means a break in scheduling.
Throughout the cold season, heating professionals are busy rushing around taking care of emergencies and tending to the energy audits already on their schedule. When the winter weather breaks – and before the busy summer season starts – is the perfect time to schedule an energy audit.

2. Thermographic Analysis works best in cold weather.
Thermographic analysis is the method of using an infrared camera to identify areas of heat loss in your home. In order for this technique to be effective, a significant difference between the indoor and outdoor temperatures must be present. In many areas of the country, afternoon temperatures may rise but temperatures still drop overnight making early mornings the perfect time for an energy audit. If you wait too long, the weather will be too warm to get good readings from the equipment.

3. You’ll be ahead of the game before the summer heat.
The first step towards increasing your home’s energy efficiency is getting an energy audit. Once this is completed, you’ll receive recommended changes and fixes to tighten up your home. Getting your energy audit in the spring means you’ll be able to get started on upgrades right away so you’re ready when the summer heat arrives. Plus, you’ll be all set for next winter.

4. There’s still time to take advantage of incentives.
There are a number of programs available to help you offset the cost of upgrades and fixes to make your home more energy-efficient. For example, the Mass Saves program offers rebates on insulation projects, energy-efficient heating and hot water appliances, programmable thermostats, and more. The weather may be getting warmer, but that doesn’t mean that you can’t still benefit from these programs.