what is a mass save inspection and how to get one

What Is a Mass Save Inspection, and How Do I Get One?


mass save inspection

Are you looking to make your home more energy efficient? Whether you want to reduce your impact on the environment or you want to reduce your energy bill, a Mass Save inspection is a great first step. But what is a Mass Save inspection, and how can you get one?

What Is a Mass Save Inspection?

Commonly referred to as a Mass Save home energy audit or home energy assessment, this is a no-cost inspection of your home intended to find energy-efficiency problems.

A Mass Save home energy assessment is similar to the inspection you went through when you first bought your house. An adviser will:

  • Go through your home,
  • Conduct some tests, and
  • Create a write-up of any energy problems they find.

But don’t worry; your adviser won’t just tell you about your problems and then leave. They will spend time with you to figure out how severe these issues are and give recommendations on how to fix them.

What Is Included in the Home Energy Assessment?

Energy-Efficiency Testing

Energy technicians are experts in energy efficiency. They will perform many tests to find areas of your home that are not keeping or managing energy as well as they could be. Included in your assessment are:

  • Infrared testing. The technician can use thermal imaging cameras, which can help show where your home is losing energy.
  • Heating equipment testing. Your heating equipment will be tested for efficiency, as well as safety.
  • Screening for eligible energy rebates. Your adviser will work with you to find any Mass Save energy rebates that you are eligible for in order to save you money.
  • Customized home energy report. After your inspection, your adviser will create a home energy report that focuses on the problems in your home. They will help you to find the best way to increase your energy-efficiency.
  • Blower door testing. Upon request, your technician can perform a blower door test, which helps to find drafts and air leaks. These are critical areas of energy loss.

Energy-Saving Equipment

Saving energy may seem like a lot of work, but your adviser is happy to help you get started. Your technician will be able to both provide you with and help you install:

  • No-cost LED bulbs. Replacing old incandescent bulbs with LEDs can help you save up to $75 per year in energy costs!
  • Hot water-saving equipment. Your adviser can help install low-flow shower heads, faucet aerators, and insulation for your hot water pipes.
  • Programmable thermostat. You will be able to control the climate of your home so that it is warm when you need it and more energy-efficient.
  • Smart power strip. Did you know that many electronic devices draw power from your traditional power strips even when they are not being used? Smart power strips reduce energy usage by shutting down power to electronics in standby mode,
  • Professional air leak sealing. After a blower door test identifies areas of energy loss, a technician can help you seal air leaks in doors or windows.

How Do I Get One?

There’s no better time than now to make your home more energy-efficient. If you are ready for the next step, getting an energy inspection is easy! Just call us or click the button below to fill out the request form; someone from our team will reach out to schedule your no-cost Mass Save home energy assessment.

schedule mass save home energy audit