what is the home mvp program

What is the Home MVP Program for MA Residents?


what is the home mvp program

By now, you’ve almost certainly heard the buzz about the Mass Save home energy assessment, designed to reduce energy usage in our state by helping homeowners understand and improve their consumption. But have you heard about the Home MVP program sponsored by MassDOER? What is the Home MVP program—and is it the right option for you?

What is the Home MVP Program?

Like Mass Save, the Home Energy Market Value Performance (Home MVP) Program presented by MassDOER aims to help residents reduce their home energy usage and make Massachusetts more energy-efficient. This is done through a variety of services, most notably the home energy assessment.

Home MVP sounds very similar to Mass Save, but they are not the same program. Wondering which one is right for you? There are a few key differences:

The Home Energy Assessment

Both Mass Save and Home MVP offer a home energy assessment. The process for these assessments is very similar:

An energy expert will come to your home and inspect it for areas of inefficiency. They will spend approximately 1.5-2 hours auditing your home and making note of their recommendations. One key difference between the two is that Mass Save provides instant energy-saving products, like light bulbs or smart power strips, and Home MVP does not. However, you will receive a home energy scorecard.

After your assessment, you will receive your customized scorecard. It will show you how your home is using energy and make recommendations for how to improve your consumption. Are there urgent repairs that need to be made, such as insulation updates or air sealing? What about energy-efficient upgrades for your heating or cooling systems? Your scorecard will detail all of it, and your contractor can help you decide on a course of action.

Who It’s For

One main distinction between Mass Save and Home MVP is who they serve. Mass Save works with households in non-municipal towns whose energy is provided through one of a select list of gas or electric companies.

Home MVP, on the other hand, does not come with the same restrictions. The Home MVP program is available to all homes in Massachusetts made up of 4 units or less. This doesn’t just mean homeowners; landlords, renters, and multifamily units can also benefit from the program. The audit is offered regardless of your energy provider—and it is also available to residents living in municipalities.

How it Saves You Money

This is the big difference between the two programs. Mass Save offers a wide variety of rebates and incentives, which homeowners can qualify for by getting their home energy assessment, but these incentives are predetermined as a part of the program. There are set terms about what qualifies and how much money you can receive to help make your energy-efficient upgrades.

Home MVP incentives are done differently. All energy saving upgrades, including solar panels, geothermal, cold climate mini-split heat pumps, and more, are eligible for incentives. Additionally, all insulation materials and approaches, including spray foam and others, are eligible. Home MVP incentives are based on potential energy savings. These are calculated based on your previous utility bills and on data collected during the assessment. The higher the estimated energy savings, the higher the incentive.

Saving More With Home MVP and Wattson Home Solutions/strong>

Mass Save may be more well known throughout the state, but Home MVP is the energy solution many Massachusetts residents have been waiting for. Wattson Home Solutions is one of only a handful of contractors that is qualified to provide a Home MVP energy assessment. We aim to help homeowners save money and energy the easy way with our simple 4-step process.

Steps to Save:

1. Schedule a no-cost assessment with Wattson Home Solutions to discuss your goals and assess your home for potential savings opportunities.

2. Receive a custom home scorecard showing the impact of recommended and implemented strategies on your home’s energy use.

3. Discuss what incentives may be available based on the energy-saving measures you choose to install and the energy reduction they will bring.

4. Go over information on available product and equipment rebates, and the opportunity for 0% financing through the MVP Loan.

Home MVP is your chance to make an impact on your energy usage, but it won’t be around forever. The Program is only running until November 2020—that leaves only a small window of time to take advantage of it! Don’t waste this opportunity. Schedule your home energy assessment through the Home MVP program today.

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